
Rosalie Delgado


Museum visit

For this virtual museum I decided to visit from the station to the Renovated Musee d’Orsay which was an online exhibit that represented the architectures of Paris. Some of the images were from the Paris-Orleans railway company and the ruins that it left after it was burned down in 1871. Also captured the remaking of it all and the worker that put countless hours into it. These images were very interesting to see because it demonstrates how they would construct a building years back then. Considering how it is now with so many innovative machines it really shows the improvements through the photos. Which makes you really analyze the work that they created because I would say it’s not easy to create a train station from your bare hands. Also it was very interesting to see the outcome when it was finished with the train station being completed. In one of the photos it included the lobby and the different passengers that were there. Since it was from the late 1800’s the outfits that they had on were very sophisticated and unique with women wearing these puffy dresses and men in tuxes. This entire exhibit was very interesting to see because it really demonstrated a clear image on how they constructed and the efforts of the Paris-Orleans railway. Overall, I think the online exhibits are such a great idea because with all of this going on the artist can still display their hardworking work to many audiences.


Community project

For this community project, I wanted to show one of the few things that I have been doing to cope with COVID-19. I decided to create some face mask for my loved ones. This is my mom’s sewing machine and she would use it from time to time, but not very often. Once this whole pandemic started begin, I started creating these different design on mask and let me tell you the beginning outcome of them was not the prettiest. I struggled trying to make them look decent, but with some tutorials from my momma and YouTube I finally got the gist of it. These mask really came in handy especially for my uncle that is shown in my images. He is in the U.S Marines so it was enforced to wear a mask constantly when you’re on the job and roaming around on base. I am happy that I expanded my sewing machine skills for something that is much needed right now and I hope everyone stays safe out there.

Cindy Sherman

The documentary based on Cindy Sherman was very interesting to watch. The type of work that she created was amazing to see and the creativity that she developed was very unique. One of the things that I really enjoyed from this film was the different personas that she created for self portraits. The talent that Sherman has is very unique and amazing to see. The incredible thing about it was that all of things different disguises and backgrounds was taken place and created in her NYC apartment. I also liked how she went towards the idea of presenting horror films towards her work. The Disaster series that she did was very interesting and gruesome, which I liked because I love horror films. Overall, I enjoyed watching Sherman’s work because she is talented artists that has a unique side to things.


Sketch 10

For this sketch, I decided to wear one of my mom’s old sweater that she used to wear back in the 90s. This was one of her favorite pieces to wear back in the day and used to always pair up with some high wasted jeans which is what I did. I also added this hat to give it more of the look that she used to do. I had doing this sketch and it’s interesting to see how so many trends from back in the day are coming back today.

La Originals

In this documentary, it’s demonstrates the artist movement that was presented by Estevan Oriol and Mister Cartoon. As a Chicano myself, I’ve always been fascinated with the street culture that is presented all throughout in LA. With this stigma that LA is mostly known for violence, poverty, and gangs, these two really showcased LA as a culture. It surprised me to see that different places around the world wanted to practice this Chicano culture. Both coming from nothing made it happen with their tremendous talent and showed the world that anything can be viewed as art. The unique form of tattoos that Cartoon did was very special and it really showed through the amount of people that specifically wanted a tattoo by him. Overall, they both made a significant impact to the Chicano culture of LA and showed the world what this city is all about.


Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures

The documentary was very interesting I would say. He was a very creative and ambitious person that if he knew he wanted something, he would make every effort to achieve it. I found it very interesting that when he started off at Pratt Institute he considered photography as a waste of art but ended up being his main medium for his career. Throughout the documentary, I was very stunned with the images he would take especially the one with the fist because I did not expect that. I think that the decade he was developing his career in really took a part of everything that influenced him. Such as when they stated that the 70s was a time that sexuality was embraced significantly and I think Mapplethorpe took advantage of that. The very sexual and vulgar photos weren’t really my likings, but he created them very well and he had a strong ability of creating something new everything. The portraits and flower photos were very beautiful and I loved them a lot. Overall, I thought it was a very different documentary but it showed me another side of art and the process of becoming an artist. It’s very sad that he had to pass away so quickly and didn’t enjoy the outcome of his art so much, but he did leave a significant impact.


Sketch #8

For this sketch, I wanted to capture how beautiful the women’s body is. The power that we have of preparing a human for nine months is incredible. So for this body picture, I wanted to show my growing belly and how I look at the moment in my pregnancy. I took this off my iPhone with self timer and put it against my window for better lighting.

Family portrait project

For this family portrait project I wanted to present the people that are the most important to me which is my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and my little one that is on the way. At the moment, I do not have a camera right now unfortunately and took all the images off my phone. For my mothers photo, she refused to take a picture for me so I used one from my last birthday which where she actually accepted to take one with me. My mother is my rock and I really don’t know what I would do without her. Even though this situation going on is very stressful, I am grateful I can spend time with her every single day because she always had work and I always had school, so I felt like we would never get to spend enough time together. For the photos of my brother and my sister-in-law mean so much to me because I haven’t seen them for a month because of the entire situation going on. It was so nice to catch up and spend time with them because before all of this it was weekly routine to see them at least once a week. I also wanted to capture my dog because I’ve been having him in my life since I was six years old so he’s like family to me. For the photo of my future child, I took a photo of my recent ultrasound. This new blessing is coming into my life and I couldn’t be more excited. Entering into motherhood is such a scary thing because you are never prepared to be a mom, but I know it’s going to be the most greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Overall, for this project I just wanted to capture the people I most love and demonstrate the people that have impacted my life greatly.


Sketch 7

For this sketch, I decided to take the portrait of a classmate from AMD 317 and I took this photo in the beginning of the semester when we went out to take classmates portraits. The photo that layered it with is the ocean that I took a couple years ago. Double exposure was very difficult to figure out because I have never used photoshop before. I couldn’t figure it out when I was trying to blend it in with the image and it kept just cutting it out. It may not be the greatest double exposure image just because of the lack of knowledge I had from it, but I am looking forward to improving.

Sketch 6

For this sketch, I wanted to capture the steps of making this traditional Mexican dish called Chilaquiles. As I progressed with this recipe in my kitchen on Saturday morning, I wanted capture it through the lens to demonstrate the steps that were required to make this dish. This is a recipe consisting of corn tortillas cut in quarters and lightly fried topped with red or green salsa and toppings of your choice, such as scrambled eggs, onions, etc and once its finished you top it off with some fresh cheese and cup of coffee (your choice). And there you go, thats how you make chilaquiles 🙂